Friday 30 October 2015

Batten down the hatches...Part Two...

Writing mood has arrived once again and I am at one with he keyboard so the perfect time has arrived to finish this second installment.
Our wood shed is completed and is slowly being stocked up with our winters supply of wood.

Roof completed since picture taken.

Wet weather interrupted our wood gathering with forecast of sun soon.

Another winter worthy project completed would be found attached onto our existing outdoor addition. Tis a wee roof which gives us freedom from our patio steps being covered in snow this winter. It feels good to see this project completed.

Some may have spent the start of the Fall season canning, some maybe not. We choose to do our own sort of preserving,which is also important, preservation of our footing going down our steps. Such an evaluation seen right out our front door, very satisfying to say the least. Think we're ready for the winter days ahead.

Rustic roof...

Soon the chores will be checked off our list and we can relax and dive into the fun projects. Now that's another story.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

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