Thursday 24 December 2015

Christmas Eve

Hello once again...

Christmas excitement is in the air.

Want to share some winter wonderland pictures to all first before carrying on with my holiday wishes and thoughts. LOL you will find pictures below.

These recent pictures very much depict the seasonal feel here on our hill top. Even though much of our winter season is grey and sadly lacks the wonderful sunshine but we find ways of keeping busy with daily chores and crafting.

Today is the day before a special holiday known around our world as Christmas day. Different traditions mark today as the beginning of the holiday season (or not).  Over the years my family had our own traditions. We were often found, as kids, being given an opportunity to pick one gift under the Christmas tree to open. Picture myself and my twin sisters excitement as we reached in for that special something, which was always labeled Christmas Eve Gift from Santa. Interesting as children how we were amazed by these presents every year being jammies, how did santa know how much we loved new PJ's. It is now years later and this special family tradition is still very much apart of who we are today, with one change, I am now part of a brand new family that I share with my best friend and partner. There are new daughters and grandkids, son-in-laws, friends, dogs, cats and oh so much more. I do feel very blessed.

What we share here in this our brand new home province of British Columbia are serendipity surprises that are full of non material treasures. Of course my childhood traditions changed somewhat during my time when I moved away from home and began my own family. But even though my location has changed as well as my partner we share a common thread of each of our own holiday joys and traditions and I look forward to all the new and different ways they all have in celebration of December 24th. and 25th.

As I write about these memories  filled with fondness I am also feeling a surge of sadness due to the loss of some family members. Mom and Dad you are missed  durIng this time of year, love you forever. Thank you for the many years of special holiday memories. Also feel the distance between my daughter and her husband during this time. Cam and Jill know that you are loved by us always, have a super special Christmas. One more shout out to all family and friends both long time and brand new we wish you happiness and joy throughout this season.

May all your hopes,dreams and wishes come true! We so look forward to sharing of more new and old from the inside of our brand new Earthship home Pavo Natura next year.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J. and Kurtsie

Surreal winter sunrise.

Almost a white out but oh so magical!

This is one of my happy places.


Wednesday 11 November 2015

Never Say Never November!

Now that our recent guests have come and gone I wanted to take the time today to once again say a huge shout out to Simon, Taylor, Josh and Jessica.

Three of you had the amazing opportunity of spending a month in Taos Mexico learning many earthship biotecture construction concepts.

After this exciting month away Simon and Taylor arrived here first sharing their time and energy towards our continued tire pounding. Josh and Jessica showed up the day that Simon and Taylor carried on towards their homes. Once again we found a blessing shared with us from yet again the younger generation of today.

The priceless gift of your time has helped us to be many steps closer to the completion of the tire work. You have all brought us closer to the fulfillment of our dream, making the world a better place one tire at a time

You have all given Kurt and I the inspiration to carry on. Who knows you may see some snowy images of us carrying on "one tire at a time" this winter.

We are oh so very much in awe of the independent hard working nature of each and everyone that have been on board with us from the beginning of our earthship dream.

Josh and Jessica

Simon and Taylor

So never say never...


Friday 30 October 2015

Batten down the hatches...Part Two...

Writing mood has arrived once again and I am at one with he keyboard so the perfect time has arrived to finish this second installment.
Our wood shed is completed and is slowly being stocked up with our winters supply of wood.

Roof completed since picture taken.

Wet weather interrupted our wood gathering with forecast of sun soon.

Another winter worthy project completed would be found attached onto our existing outdoor addition. Tis a wee roof which gives us freedom from our patio steps being covered in snow this winter. It feels good to see this project completed.

Some may have spent the start of the Fall season canning, some maybe not. We choose to do our own sort of preserving,which is also important, preservation of our footing going down our steps. Such an evaluation seen right out our front door, very satisfying to say the least. Think we're ready for the winter days ahead.

Rustic roof...

Soon the chores will be checked off our list and we can relax and dive into the fun projects. Now that's another story.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Batten down the hatches...Part One...

Okay here I am back on blog after the summer dust has settled.

All of our earthship guests have come and gone, leaving the summer business behind us. A good solid foundation of over 700 tires, which is the first and very important stage of any earthship home, was accomplished.This summer was the most event filled unique summer that I have ever experienced and will never be forgotten.

The time has once again arrived to "batten down the hatches" in preparation for the coming winter ahead. Even though our home construction is well under way we have to step back from that project in order to be ready for another homesteading travel trailer style winter.

With that being said we began construction upon another one of our wish list projects a wood shed...yeah...our own wee wood shed. It is not quite completed but soon to be with pictures to follow of end result.   In the meantime I am very aware of my mind chatter making reference to Earthship Pavo Natura's huge "to do" list. But the time has arrived to flip off this particular part of my brain and concentrate on new priorities.

It is the beginning of October and we are greeted with cool mornings mostly as well as Indian summer temps. during the days. Having lots to do before the snow flies keeps us busy in the best of ways, fresh air and exercise, natural health and fitness found here for sure.

Another week has arrived heading now towards the weekend so on we go towards creating a warm and safe home in our trailer grateful for each and every day.

More to follow...

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday 3 September 2015

End of season.

Summer in the West Kootenays is almost over. The leaves are already changing to the bright yellow hues of Fall.
We are on the tail end of of our 2015 Earthship Pavo Natura building project as the days continue to be cooler then expected.
Tomorrow Sept. 4th. we are co/hosting our final  2015 earthship learning project. Our present guests from Calgary Alberta have prompted us to offer another workshop to all who may be inclined to learn some unique construction tips which are only found linked with this our choice of of grid living Earthship style.
The weather forecast for tomorrow is promising sun and cooler temps. so we are crossing our fingers for some eager folks to come and join in on some fun and interesting learning from Kurt, myself, Scottie and his partner Victoria.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.
Tire wall progress...

It's growing...

Signs of fall...

Outdoor outhouse before completion.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Kootenay Siesta

With the blink of an eye we are in the mist of the last months of summer 2015 in the West Kootenay area.

Most folks go on their much anticipated summer vacations they wait all year to go on where as we are continuing upon on this unique Earthship journey.

The month of August around here is a hot month so we tend to have many a siesta during the hot part of the day. The trick to beat the heat is to work on your daily chores in the early wee morning hours and if the temptation to stay in bed during this special time wins over then some mornings the inspiration to share my stories surface here on Fiddlehead Time.

I find myself, this Monday morning this 10th. day of August, reflecting upon this summer so far.
During the beginning stages of this house construction, which began April 1st, we were in the midst of the first steps towards the first of a 800 tire pounding. Today we are more then half way with our numbers with 3 full months left of construction. This personal endeavor is huge as we are the sole contactors/ builders along with some awesome on going volunteers that are including some family, and mostly brand new friends. We are working daily to at least lock up before the snow flies.
As the summer passes we continue on while greeting the ups and downs that in reality do surface during this our personal journey towards a better quality of life.


Have a glorious day...PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

Monday 20 July 2015

400 Plus

Earthship Pavo Natura is now at 400 plus tires which is more than half way. If you were to ask our Pavo crew how they felt about these numbers the majority response is excitement...the tire work has been mostly labor intensive and time consuming, but a positive attitude is felt all around as we wait for today's rain to depart.
Two up right door ways.

The cardboard cutting each tire requires several layers each.

Pavo project foreman.

Our present Pavo crew includes the dynamic duo Trevor and his son Ridley friends from Alberta. As well as the seasoned duo of Kimberly and Aaron both as well from Alberta. Last but not least a visiting family member from up the lake Jonathan. Kurt and I continue to remain feeling blessed with all the volunteer help that are here on our totally independent earthship project.

Volunteer numbers have come along with changes and sharing of which  are not without unique daily events ranging from neon glow stick parties. As well as fire lite hula hoops and contact poi shows in our front yard. Every day is different and fulfilling and always exhausting but full of rewards.

There are many construction stages around the corner but onward and upwards we go as our volunteer guests come and go and the stories as well will come and go as the work schedule is constant. So until we meet here again have a super summer.

PEACE OUT!!!  Patty J.

Thursday 28 May 2015

After the rain!

Yeah another honest days work completed. Work boots have been peeled off and are now replaced by my flip flops, one of my favorite moments of the day.

Then our evening routine continues with supper, which is often a group effort, with the end result of some pretty delicious suppers. Supper time is often followed by a sit around a fire or a walk. Tonight found us walking up our lane after a brief rain shower.


Funky Moss

This is part of our driveway

Wild Honeysuckle
We are blessed with beauty around every corner that pretty much takes my breath lucky!


Wednesday 20 May 2015


Earthship Pavo Natura May 20th.
Continued success is apparent at our earthship site. We, with the help of an amazing young couple from Edmonton Alberta, have successfully reached the completion of 200 pounded tires.
We struck gold with the arrival of Kimberly and Aaron our two on site guests from Edmonton. We receive daily gifts from these two which is shown within their continued hard work and dedication... Kim and Aaron are pure examples of young adults that exemplify the meaning of honest hard work and maturity... As well as the obvious "old soul aura" that surrounds both of them. Over the period of less then a month a close common bond has evolved between the four of us that will continue to change and grow during the rest of their visit with us and beyond.
A new month of continued construction is just around the corner, month 3 to be exact, and we are pleased about our work so far. Each day that arrives brings us higher temps. which has contributed to a daily time out of the heat. As the summer continues the temps. will climb so we are trying to adopt an earlier start up time so our best work can be achieved, with also a short evening session...I think an alarm clock is in order LOL.

Aaron and Kimberly...

So here we go one tire at a time....
PEACE OUT!!! Patty J...

Sunday 26 April 2015

Pallets and Rusty Bits!

You know what they say about the many uses of pallets well we are believers of this ingenious way of recycling.

Before the word recycling appeared within the realms of being popular I was already living the life of recycle, re-use and re-purposing, pretty much due to how I was raised. My folks were of the part of the "make do with what you have" generation and they passed this way of life onto their girls. Even though my sister and I both went through some years of wanting more we have always held onto this simple philosophy.

Ironically I have come full circle back to this way of life. Hence why I wanted to share with you today the construction of my newest project my garden fence.

We live in an area of deer and elk so any fence has to be higher then most as well as filled with enough composition of garden and décor that the wild life will not dare enter. Well I am a habitual clutter nut so I am hoping that this theory rains true.

I have been a wee bit of a rusty bits collector over the years so I finally have the perfect place where I can incorporate this love of rust freely.

These included images are  in the beginning stages of construction and once I am done I will drop by once again to share more.

In the meantime use those pallets and rusty bits.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.
Rusty Bits Mandatory!
This is the start of one fence section.

Sunday 19 April 2015

Helping Hands

The weekend has finally arrived where Kurt and myself opened up our Earthship Pavo Natura project to the public. Yesterday April 18th. was our first of a two day work shop where all helping hands came together with beyond unexpected enthusiasm.

The weather was perfect and the guests were amazing.


Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Earthship

Our long awaited journey towards our dreams of independence, self sustainability, if you will, appeared on our start up date April 1st. 2015. Land is ready for the keen eye of someone to step up and get the levelling started, then the tire pounding begins.
This tire work takes the patience of a monk really, romantic notion best described as a Zen-like experience.

It begins.

Our earthship start was visited by a young man from Belgium, who stayed with us for four short days but he helped us begin. Thank-you Yannis.
The start of continued work finds us surrounded by a brother and sister duo who live within ten minutes away from us. Luke and Bree your youth combined with your energy prompts us to continue one day at a time. You two are awesome. We look forward to many days of working together especially when the warmer months are upon us.

Todays date April 7th. and we have 35 tires pounded, not bad. Here's to continued earthship guests arriving to help us aim towards the completion of 765 more tires. Yup approximately over 700 more tire dancing experiences ahead.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

P.S. Thanks to all drop in neighbours up in our Mountain Ridge Community. You rock!!!

More tires done.

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Meh March...

Wow the end of March is arriving soon and even though the calendar say's that spring has arrived I am trying my best to see the positive during the rain filled dreary days that this new season has presented to us.

With that being said the month of March has become best described, for me, as Meh Month. March is that month where the re-birth promise takes a long time to appear. So for some an apathetic, I don't care frame of mind appears instead, does this sound familiar?

During the weeks before the first day of spring arrived we were blessed with some sunny days and wow does a sunny day make a difference. We felt inspired and energized while tackling some of our outdoor projects. Then the low clouds and rain arrived.

So until the warmth and sun appear again the outdoor work can wait.

Here are some indoor projects that have helped me pass the day.
Yeah thanks Pinterest for this chic heat pack idea.

Pinterest does it again. Welcome to the world of banners.

The bed room has become my indoor studio due its warm cozy atmosphere. Currently there is only room for my sewing kit, material and myself as I dive right into the obliviousness of the grey day.

Hand stitching anyone?

Project #1: A DIY wheat bag. Once you complete this fun simple sewing project you will wonder how your home ever did without one.

Project #2: Here's another DIY sewing project, homemade banners with little bells stitched on the bottom of each one, so cute right!

These two small projects I started today have me feeling like it's less of a "Meh March" day. Once my sewing machine is up and running again I can then zip through more DIY sewing. I like to sew especially when it involves lovely material, bright colors and hey why not mini bells.

Three cheers for the end of the month of March!

PEACE OUT Patty J!!!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Farm Adventures...part 2...

 forgotten but beautiful...


pump house... 
More pictures of the Scott Farms Knee Hill Valley Alberta. These pictures are excellent examples of the many hidden beauties of farm life in Alberta.
I suppose this is my simple way of paying tribute to a place that will always hold fond and happy memories for me.
As I write here today, I can almost smell that unforgettable prairie smell of wild roses mixed with an aroma of wheat being harvested. There is nothing else like it in the world.These are wonderful memories I share with you  on this rainy Sunday morning that will be re-visited soon.
But until that time all I have to do is look at this pictures so beautifully captured by my cousin Clive and feel like I am already there.

The old pump house is well depicted in this image I shared, till this day I am still in love with the barn red paint seen on so many Alberta homesteads.

The picture below of a cattail marsh has a very magical feel. So much so it has me sitting there right at this very moment. A red winged black bird just flew by and I watch in wonderment as he goes about his day flying within the secrets of this marsh.

marsh beauty... 

Good shot Clive...
I am in awe of these old wheels. I would love to have one of these in my garden here in the hills off Mountain Ridge Road possibly filled with succulents.

This has been a pleasant reminiscent time spent here today/
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday wherever you are.

Bye for now!!!  Patty J.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Almost time... Its almost time to forge ahead into the exciting adventures ahead.  Check out the link I shared (at this stories start) and you will be witness to it all.
Excavation happens at the end of this month, once we begin there is no turning back. My life has lead me to where I am at this very moment. There are no accidents in life tis all about being exactly where the universe takes us. I am ready...Yup I am. So here we go.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.
Enter into our world of tires..

Thursday 26 February 2015

Farm Adventures.

Scott Family Farm Knee Hill Valley Alberta

Barn still standing. Isn't she a beauty.
Hello! Here I am once again sharing first of all some images of a time during my life which was filled with some of my fondest childhood memories and adventures.

When I was inspired to write some about these blissful childhood moments I remember contacting my one cousin Clive to ask permission to share his photos so I could connect them with this story.

Thanks Clive your photos are so beautiful!

I believe this was part of the original barn structures on the farm. Just look at the red and grey weathered wood that of which is so appreciated by some today.

One of the many acres of land owned by The Scott Family...ask me how much I miss these open fields and blue skies.

Photographs have a special way of having our minds journey back to specific memories, and man oh man the memories come flooding back to a much simpler time in my life whenever these photos are viewed. A happy time where Kathryn (my twin) and I felt some family roots for the first time ever. This was the area where my Mom was born and raised during the Great Depression. I presently recall a story my Mom used to share from her childhood of how herself and her family ate during some of their hard times. "When we served our meals we were raised to be grateful for what we had to eat. We often had bacon and eggs for breakfast, eggs and bacon for lunch and bacon and eggs for supper." They were considered to be more fortunate then some families during this time. Stories like this one our Mom shared with us usually when Kathryn or I would complain about any food that crossed our table. Thanks Mom, your personal sense of humor was always appreciated especially now that you have passed away!

Old Farm Truck

memory overload

grain truck

The old farm trucks pictured here were brand new at one time and I do believe the GMC was the first set of wheels I ever drove.

This story goes something like this.

I think it had to have been our cousin Pamela who invited Kathryn and I along for a ride in this truck. Each of us had their turn behind the wheel. How especially exciting it was to have this first time adventure of driving, where were the adults, no where to be seen as this was a private adventure we shared for many years.. Pamela being the oldest had experience driving but never a 5 speed, so when it was her turn to drive she flipped the old GMC into gear, after leaving I'm sure parts of the transmission on the ground, floored it and there we were flying across the farm yard in reverse. Kathryn, Pamela and I were laughing so hard, so much so Pam peed her pants. Yup she did, sorry Pamela I just had to share this part. After the truck was parked we made a bee line to the barn to somehow dry Pam's pants so her Mom especially would not find out, besides the fact that the teasing from all cousins would have been brutal.

There are more stories I would like to share but this entry ended up being delayed due to some unscheduled green house work and I want to post this sometime today.
Here's to the awesome memories that are yet so clear in my mind as some of the best times ever.

The End of story #1

Farm livin is the place to be!

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.