Tuesday 26 September 2017

Season Three Closing

Wow I cannot believe that another summer has come and gone.  Even though during the many dry, hot smoke filled days it felt like summer was never going to end it somehow now feels like the days pasted by quickly. The passing of time is a curious phenomenon for sure.

So with the passing of Summer 2017 comes along the end of the Work Away Volunteers, leaving a slight trickling of some of our Pavo Tribe Family. During the Pavo experience this year there have been countless steps forward towards our dream coming closer. The selfless help from so many warms our hearts, and we continue to learn and enjoy the volunteers and guests and family that visit us.  Citizens other then our Canadian friends that arrived here at Earthship Pavo Natura haled from Austria, Munich, New Zealand, the U.K. and France quite the smorgasbord of folks I'd say.

There is simply a sense of fulfillment and yes relief when another season draws to end. Fulfillment this year is linked with the leaps forward in the timber framing post and beams, roof installation of ship lap, cement pours, bond beams and footings, yes more tire work, final finish of one inner wall via cement and lime application, positioning of the water cistern and last but not least construction clean up and wrap up of existing roof, walls and windows. The relief surfaces when the quiet of just us, two dogs and two cats remain behind on our 12 acres of land. There is an obvious feeling of quiet and peace surrounding us as we prepare for our last Winter in the trailer.

South facing.

View from our trailer.

Wildfire Season.
It's Tuesday, September 26th. 2017 signing off for now.

PEACE OUT Patty J!!!

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