Thursday 12 January 2017

Off Grid Reality

This morning I have decided to write about some of the realities we have faced here at Mini Camp Pavo. 
The image below was taken at the start of winter  2015. The view has changed somewhat as has our off grid experiences. I have personally learned that this current way of life is truly not for the faint of heart or spirit. It has been, and I am sure will continue to be, a test of endurance and learning.

Mini Camp Pavo
It is Jan.12th. 2017 four years since our new journey began and I am happy to report that we are continuing upon an endless learning curb even though we have faced and endured some interesting off grid realities.

Our first year here in the West Kootenays found us renting a mobile home which was only the beginning of the many changes. After living most of my life in suburbia I see now that I took for granted the many conveniences that were a part of my everyday life. Running water a real flush toilet as well as a warm and cozy environment within my home provided by the furnace.
We continue to live without running water a real flush toilet as well as a speedy way to tap into heating our space. The slow but steady source of heat is provided to us by the wood stove with of course the trailer furnace as backup. I have to say I now prefer the heat from the stove.

During these past seasons we have been also focusing upon  the completion of our new home Earthship Pavo Natura. After two years of construction Pavo has gone from the filling and pounding of the first tire to the start of the in home skeleton known as Timber Framed posts and beams. When the very first tire was completed we were still submerged within the romance of this new adventure especially when we were surrounded by the many wonderful volunteer guests some of which had traveled many miles in search of an earthship hands on experience.

View of one tire wall 

Before the winter of 2016 arrived we slowly but surely worked upon our to do chore list before the cold set in. Wood was gathered mostly with the wonderful help of family, friends and neighbours. The wrapping up of our earthship structure was covered up with tarps to secure the integrity of the tires which gave us peace of mind. We also added on an extension to our outer deck to keep the cold of winter and snow away from our storage area. The only chore we did not complete was the completion of new greenhouse plastic which has presented a new reality by way of a collapsed roof. Definitely a live and learn situation here folks tromping through knee high snow while covering PVC pipes with a new 40ft. by 40ft. tarp.

Sad sight
Winter has a way of presenting us with never taking anything for granted. It is truly a humbling experience. I just recently shared my feelings surrounding waking up during the night not seeing anything but complete and utter darkness within our current home, once again humbled.

"We must accept finite disappointment,"said Martin Luther King,Jr.,"but never lose infinite hope."

We have a along way to go until we start moving into our new home but it obvious that we have come too far to give up now. Stay tuned to the announcement of the long anticipated Earthship Pavo Natura House Warming Party!


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