Saturday 20 October 2018

More from Season Four

Just when thoughts of gearing down from work on the Earthship a young couple from Germany via  Work Away, an international work exchange site, contacted us. The enthusiasm of this pair has been amazing and anything they have been a part of has been done with hard work and skill.

Now usually by this time of year we have not hosted anyone due to the cooler Fall weather but this year during the days we have been blessed with an Indian Summer. Night time temperatures do typically drop but so far with adequate accommodations, evening fires and blankets there have been no complaints.

So the blessings continue to arrive here on the hill and all is moving along as it is meant to. The building coordinator creates a daily list of jobs to attend to and as Pascal and Lisa work so well together jobs can be given to them and they can be left alone as others attend to other chores.

The following is a list of accomplishments completed so far during the final push of this season.

...  The last tire wall in the house is finally done ... Continued bond beam work ... Construction of wall sections that will close in parts of the home from the coming snow ... On going yard clean up and gathering of wood. Also during the next week we will attempt to close in the south facing of the place with temporary particle board sheets to once again protect the existing shell of the place. The added closure steps will accommodate anyone who wants to chip away at the present To Do List inside, such as the building of window frames to house the majority of the south facing windows. Anything that can be worked on during the colder months ahead will get us many steps closer to moving in.

Yard clean up and burn.

SIP a structural insulated panel. Custom made using recycled foam.

Last tire wall completed with cement forms. Hand prints and souvenir included.

Supper is ready so it's time once again to say farewell. Thanks for hanging out during yet another blog story from the hill.

Chow for now...

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

Sunday 26 August 2018

Rain and Clear Skies

Taking in a deep breathe of gratitude for just this wee bit of rain during the worst wildfire season to date. I am composing this blog entry while the rain is just now tapering off. Even though the amount of rain is small it all makes a difference. There is a sense of relief for now.

Thick smoke, orange sun.

Seasons come and go and along with each year all four seasons continue to vary and change. Some, no actually many, say this is all due to climate change. In this moment in time it is my belief that  human kind on a whole have and continue to have both positive and negative impacts upon Mother Nature and the changes we continue to witness may very well be due to the negatives we continue to inflict upon our home planet.

What am I doing to make a difference well all you need to do is gaze up at the image above and see an integral piece of a huge puzzle called an Earthship. This image was just taken the other day during the one of many timber frame sections found in Earthship Pavo Natura. It is my belief that this off-grid home will contribute to lessen the carbon imprints that are commonly produced to directly and indirectly support human activities in the home. Pavo Natura is soon to be one of the many ships that more and more are choosing to build as a way to help bring back a new and different quality of life, as well as feeling some peace of mind.

Serious but necessary topics I have chosen to talk about this evening. My present perspective has me  feeling that by writing about what ever is on my mind is an interesting form of brainstorming. Brainstorming clears the mind very much like how the air feels after a storm.

The air currently smells amazing, fresh and real after oh so many days of surreal air and heaviness.

Thank-you for the rain and clear skies.

PEACEOUT!!! Patty J.

Sunday 19 August 2018

Earthship Pavo Natura Season 4

Time to add to Earthship Pavo Natura's Season 4 running dialogue.

As per usual we aim towards starting up a new season in the month of May. May 1st. 2018 arrived with no volunteers which is unusual if one was to compare with the past seasons come and gone.

You know what they say about all things happening for a reason well I have always believed in these words. The beginning of this new year of construction did start out slow but once June arrived even though the volunteer numbers were still low a lot of important baby steps were accomplished. Pavo was blessed with some help from neighbours and friends which always warms my heart. Also the necessary task of cleaning and organizing the work zones throughout the surrounding areas is always a very important detail to complete. Cleaned and organized space means a clear and productive work days to follow.

So now for a completed and almost completed task to date list.

... Basement bond beam completed ...

... Start of basement rafters in progress ...

... New timber framer on site volunteer guest Brent from Australia, as well as the valued help from Ryan ...

... Jessica and Mike taking on the tires ...

... Feature tree beam raised and looking amazing ...

Back basement rafters.

Back basement bondbeam.

Brent has become a natural timber framer.

Jessica returned with Mike, tire pounding 101.

Weathered tree used as a natural post.
Today's date Sunday, August 19th. 2018. Workshop for today will be hosting Kurt as acting foreman, Brent, volunteer from Australia and Ryan valued friend. Let the new raising begin.

As we wait for one more helper Kurt is doubling as German Chef dejour. Late lunch menu includes Rouladen and Spaetzle Dumplings, served also with purple cabbage. That's if I can get into town.

As I share this story line with you today, inside the mini Pavo trailer, I actually feel a momentary sense of calm even though the B.C. skies are so full of smoke that the surrounding mountains are hidden from view.

Background here usually boasts mountains.
Needless to say the wildfire season has been beyond surreal and somewhat scary this year. In the meantime we continue the important work on the Earthship. When I project into the future, when all will be living inside this amazing home, I am confident that there will be a much higher sense of well being and security that will protect us in oh so many ways.

Now this maybe part one of todays story. Just have to charge up the camera so I can document todays raising which may include photos and short videos. As well as some food pics, thats if the grub is not all gone in a flash, which is very common when it involves this particular menu.

Well that's it for now. Cheers to all and stay safe, be happy and enjoy the rest of the weekend.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.
Men making it happen in the Timbers!

Saturday 16 June 2018

Stop and smell the flowers...

Hello to all and happy June 2018.

Yes I am finally back online. So here goes new stories to tell and share.

There has been some changes up here at Earthship Pavo Natura. Some of the best changes involve something that is very close to my heart, gardening.

My smallish gardens include the first wee Pavo garden found within the fenced off yard. As well as the Pallet Garden. Some plants in both gardens are finally showing signs of maturity. The next images are plants found in the Pallet Garden.

Yellow Iris finally blooming

Yellow Iris...

Second year of Concord Grape...
These plants continue to show signs of continued growth which is oh so wonderful.

First sign of a Daylily...

Healthy and lush Raspberry plants...
The Raspberries are huge this year. The yellow Daylily is petite but of so precious.

As the seasons come and go I discover new ways of tending all the plants that have established. These discoveries have surfaced for the following reasons. Patience, research, meeting local gardeners and, for me, the most important, letting go of any fears of going outside the box with new and unique ideas. 

The planting of new babies has been a success even without the constant access to running water. Reason behind this is totally due to a cooler Spring with very much appreciated rain that we can catch off of our small Pavo roof. I have also discovered that I have no false expectations of constant success within the gardens up here. Label reading with any new plants is advised of course but I am discovering that most plants do best in their correct zones and along the way I continue learning tips to baby along any new species within these gardens.

Another tip when establishing a new garden is to reach out to friends that are gardeners just to see if they may have an over abundance of perennials in their gardens. Also I have discovered a gardening group located within my surrounding community full of gardeners who either sell or give away extra perennials. Forging is another way to create very wild yet natural gardens and I am surrounded by many species of wild plants that I carefully dig up and transplant. 

Gardening is my form of peace and creativity which is found just outside my front door. Feeling really blessed.

My hope is that anyone that reads this blog entry is having a creative and successful gardening year, and remember to "stop and smell the flowers".

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Clean Air...

I was urged to write about country life and clean air after reading the following words.

These words speak to many of us who dream of a better life. In my mind part of living a better and yes an authentic life includes all the ingredients combined within these words of wisdom.

My dream is here right now surrounding me on almost 12 acres of land in the West Kootenays.

There is no noise pollution.

We do breathe clean air.

The water around us is all glacier fed which contributes to pretty much pure clear yet cold water and oh how refreshing this is on the hottest of days.

We have no old cabin on the land but we do sit in our wee yard where we see and feel the stillness, and yes it is possible to hear the stillness.

I want to be out where things are simple and every breathe is a reminder that there is beauty and magic left in this world. I'd certainly love to say that all is simple here but living off grid in the country sometimes has its challenges. But even these challenges are a part of life once they disappear a simple life reappears.

As the years float by since the move here it has become more and more evident that, when one pays attention and slows down, the daily reminders are full of beauty and magic and how amazing is that.

Clean air, clean water, no noise, stillness and simplicity can be very much a part of this world today and I am beyond grateful and I feel blessed to be right here where my life has taken me. 

PEACE OUT !!! Patty J.

Saturday 27 January 2018

Almost Spring...

Several weeks ago the weather totally teased us with thoughts of Spring. Today we're back in the depths of winter. The snow continues to fall as does the added chores of wood chopping, snow removal and water collection. Honestly the reality of how cruel this white season can be makes for many challenges especially when one chooses  to live a modest lifestyle. When I say modest I mean living in a smallish home without the usual luxuries such as running water and constant heat. Both of which, until moving here, I really took for granted.

So until the earthship home is completed these on going realities are a part of this journey. The chores will always be a part of life here but will be somewhat minimize once the move is made into the new home.

Future home.

The first winter here the road out was snowed in with no way of getting out until the tractor tires were set up with chains. Needless to say after one week of being snowed in the groceries and water were dwindling. Thanks to the generosity of a neighbour I was able to catch a ride into town and replenish the groceries etc. Four years later being snowed in does not present a panic situation. Interesting how one adapts.

Best investment ever.

As this winter heads closer to spring I have continued to make my rag rugs and create willow baskets. Other new creative projects I have tackled include teaching myself how to make dream catchers as well as some air dried clay beads etc. What better time then now to be learning new and interesting things.

Finished a rag rug for a client.

Custom hand made egg basket.

Custom hand made gathering basket.

Hand made clay beads keeping some small lady bugs company.

So in closing I continue to work on my crafts, work on some new ideas for the garden and occasionally check out how many days till Spring, 51 more days to go.

So until I write a new blog entry stay safe, happy and warm. From one adventurer to another, stay true to your dreams even though the road can have some obstacles.

PEACE OUT!!!  PattyJ.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Season Three Closing

Wow I cannot believe that another summer has come and gone.  Even though during the many dry, hot smoke filled days it felt like summer was never going to end it somehow now feels like the days pasted by quickly. The passing of time is a curious phenomenon for sure.

So with the passing of Summer 2017 comes along the end of the Work Away Volunteers, leaving a slight trickling of some of our Pavo Tribe Family. During the Pavo experience this year there have been countless steps forward towards our dream coming closer. The selfless help from so many warms our hearts, and we continue to learn and enjoy the volunteers and guests and family that visit us.  Citizens other then our Canadian friends that arrived here at Earthship Pavo Natura haled from Austria, Munich, New Zealand, the U.K. and France quite the smorgasbord of folks I'd say.

There is simply a sense of fulfillment and yes relief when another season draws to end. Fulfillment this year is linked with the leaps forward in the timber framing post and beams, roof installation of ship lap, cement pours, bond beams and footings, yes more tire work, final finish of one inner wall via cement and lime application, positioning of the water cistern and last but not least construction clean up and wrap up of existing roof, walls and windows. The relief surfaces when the quiet of just us, two dogs and two cats remain behind on our 12 acres of land. There is an obvious feeling of quiet and peace surrounding us as we prepare for our last Winter in the trailer.

South facing.

View from our trailer.

Wildfire Season.
It's Tuesday, September 26th. 2017 signing off for now.

PEACE OUT Patty J!!!