Friday 6 February 2015

Kathryn Courageous...

Hello Kathryn: Today I enter my special writing place celebrating my 62nd. birthday. A day of which I share with a very strong and yes I have to say courageous woman my twin sister Kathryn.
Wow 62 years ago today Kathryn (KC). Where we were gifted to Mom and Dad in the St. Joseph's hospital in London, Ont. Two very small gals I was told weighing in at just over 4lbs. each. Now for some reason myself born 2 minutes after Kat. I was the healthier one of the two, just the way it can go sometimes. Now more details I would share but my baby book is in storage so my story line will be composed with my total recall only. You can breath a sigh of relief now as this will be a shorter read then most.
Now my mind heads in the direction of what it was like growing up with almost a carbon copy of myself. One can only imagine a pair of look alike wee girls riding together in a large double baby buggy that was pretty much the size of  a VW. One can only imagine two look alike wee girls being proudly paraded down the streets with "oh my look twin" comments from most people passing by. When ever I see sets of twins even now I find myself fascinated by this sight.
Hey Kathryn do you have memories of any of our birthdays while growing up? I only have one that has remained with me and it involved pretty dress's cake and lots of girls running around squealing at the sight of pin the tail on the donkey. Yes we were children born in the good old days, twin girls born in the fifties to parents of mature years Mom was almost 40 and Dad was two years younger. Wow what a handful we must have been!
This particular birthday memory was when we were living on an air force base in Ont.
Even though this is not a birthday memory (K.C) the joy of childhood in Centrailia is connected with so many memories. Kinder garden, three more years of schooling and Brownies. Oh here come the brownie memories of learning how to tie knots mostly as well as remembering us race home after meetings with our brownie caps pulled over our faces where we would play that seek and ye shall find me game, impaired vision made this game more fun. Oh yes and there was always a warm homemade treat waiting for us when we got home, bread pudding was one of my favorites.

Tons more memories Kath but for now this will be it.
But I decided to share childhood memories via some old pictures. Hope you enjoy this birthday gift Talk about a blast from the past.

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