Friday 30 January 2015


I think that I just had one of what I like to call a "light bulb moment"! While spending some time cruising  on Facebook this morning I was greeted by an image of an old window with missing glass. The glass was replaced with wood which was then painted with chalkboard paint.  "Light Bulb" moment, Vintage is GREEN!

All images included are examples from the past, used and recycled into garden and home decor.

I can also see the headings... antique, retro and unique as being GREEN as well.

Almost every day we are bombarded with ideas of how we can re-claim, re-purpose or re-new and I have to say if one looks closely at the web pages and blogs made available there is a huge following out there connecting with the past. The attraction to the old and antique, if you will, has a huge connection with the simplicity of the day and age these many items were a part of. When I use the word simple I mean as in comparison to our world today, when folks made do with what they had.

One of my romantic notions, my memories from the past, I recall  as a youngster visiting my Grandparents kitchen in North Bay Ontario. Grandma Jessup's large wood stove stood out as a unique item to have in ones kitchen. Of course at the time I had no idea what was involved in cooking the family meals on this stove. I do now!

Romantic notion once again has me un-consciously thinking of my grandma's stove when seeing images of the Amish style wood cook stove, which is now being replicated today. You talk about a blast from the past. I find this interesting that these old stoves from the so called " good ole days" are making their new yet modified return. Surprised, not really!

Todays fascination with the old, antique, vintage and retro is popular due to their huge merit and appeal. These times were definitely a time of many hardships. But certainly a time when the family unit had to be strong and work together as a cooperative within their households to survive. Honest hard work was established within these good ole days and these ethics were past on and if we pay close attention we can grasp onto some of these concepts from the past and combine them with the huge resources we have within our grasp today.

I am grateful for the year that I was born and the ethics that were pasted down to me from my grandparents and parents as we now head into our own homesteading projects ahead.

I love this new found term, Vintage is GREEN!
PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.


Monday 26 January 2015

Earthship Pavo Natura     

Okay folks even though there is still snow on the ground Kurt and I continue to plan for the beginning of our earthship journey. Our permit will be submitted shortly and honestly the days cannot go fast enough for us.
The first time I heard the term earthship was three years ago when I met my partner. Needless to say my life has never been the same since.
Three years ago I was living in Red Deer, Alberta in a simple but adorable home nestled within a cozy city close. I was, at the most, a ten minute drive from pretty much anything one could ever need, I was truly spoiled, a fact I am aware of now. I moved away from a city that was a huge part of my history and I will always be grateful for all the growth I experienced in the prairies. Oh how sometimes I miss the flatlands and big skies of Alberta.
Fast forward after a twenty year marriage, job, one daughter and a lot of good memories in Red Deer. Here I am in the vastness of almost 12 acres of land in the West Kootenay's after almost 3 years of planning, relocating twice and a lot of projects started and completed we await the spring thaw.
Currently our tires are under snow that actually look like sugar covered doughnuts waiting to be filled with the earth that surrounds us.
So there you go a short introduction to a small part of my life shared with my guy Kurt, 2 dog's Kasha our rescue senior mutt, Layla our young teenager pup, our two cats Heath and L.C which stands for "little cruiser" (another story).
Attached somewhere on this page is a link to our facebook page where you will find our homesteading journey so far.

PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

Friday 23 January 2015

Rag Rugs!

Love rag weaving. So I thought I would share some pictures. Along with my discovery of  my peaceful place.
My dive into the world of rag weaving started some years back as an entry in my mind that I had always been intrigued by. Last winter about mid January I began to feel closed in by the Kootenay grey days. Instead of becoming too grey myself I started my "You Tube" search on any rag weaving videos I could find."You Tube" has never disappointed as I discovered a huge variety of how to vids on the subject of recycling material into a rag rugs. I found it very helpful to view more then one, I picked my favorites and combined with trial and error I found my way. Kurt my inventive guy studied a loom design and within several hours I was making my first rug.
Since last winter I have accomplished the construction of two rugs and am starting on more. I have met a woman that loves to sew and she very generously donated a whack of material left over from her sewing business. Yeah now my material search is over for now and I can get to work on perfecting this craft. I have discovered that this is  such an excellent way to occupy my time until the Earthship construction begins this spring.
Thanks to the creative artisans out there who shared all your knowledge. You kept me sane, definitely a winter craft to try. I feel blessed to have found this peaceful place where I can go and meditate while I weave the fabric back and forth.
Happy crafting!!!
PEACE OUT!!! Patty J.

This is my first rug.

Second rug which I did in a larger size.

Almost finished.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Out of your mind!

Part 1...

If anyone told me five years ago  I would be living the life I am living  right now I am confident I would have said "You are out of your mind". I have a home I can call my own, I am working and I feel blessed living in Alberta. Of course this was when I still lived in the province of Alberta, where I lived most of my life.
But here I am living on 12 acres of land, 2 dogs, 2 cats. New home, new province and new way of life. Often feeling as though I am living in a dream.
As I begin writing again today I find myself wanting to share with you some of our daily events, observations, that may amuse or not.
Topic for the day. The travel trailer experience of a nightly visit to the bathroom. After a short period of time squirming around under the covers trying to ignore the fact that I have to use the lue I begin my heroic journey. First of all did I mention how dark it gets up here at night, definitely due to the non-existent street light outside (yeah). Carrying on, I sit up in bed, bare toes peeking out first heading towards the floor to make direct contact with my chosen slippers, my purple crocks. Okay now after many of these trips I have finally become accustomed to this route in the dark. especially now that I have mastered getting out of our bed that has side walls within very close proximity to my legs. Success I made it...light is on, easing my way in...closing the door... fill the bowl with re-cycled dish water from the supper dishes...done. Time to head back under the covers to the  promise of warmth. Just a simple reality of living in a holiday trailer in the middle of winter.
It has been already six months since our relocation here. I have a home I once again can call my own, I am working daily with a partner beside me and I am blessed. It dawns on me while I end todays tale that time is a precious gift. It has been with time I can joke about this bathroom experience and realize how lucky I am to be here right now just exactly where I am supposed to be. Not feeling at all out of my mind.

Part 2 arriving soon!


Let's abbreviate I'm in a hurry!

Okay I am laughing right now. Why you may be thinking. Well I have spent the last several days visiting my blog with the intent to write. It's now been at least my fifth attempt! Hoping this post will reach its end before I change my mind and hit the erase button once again..
Oh my second paragraph. Looks like I may have a winner.
Okay, now I am going to use a familiar combo of letters I do tend to use quite a bit when chatting on Facebook or within emails to friends. Here goes, are you it is...LOL. Yup there it is, in all it's glory, I love it. In fact I must say that I have become a fan of the new slang.
Welcome to my unintended story line for today, the world of "Let's abbreviate I'm in a hurry", possibly a necessary evil?
Does anyone out there care to speculate how this trend was conceived. If I recall correctly my first introduction to this modern day short cut appeared to me while texting to a friend on my first cell phone. Yes the phone may have been the size of a small shoe box but it worked well as the way to stay in touch when necessary. Actually when I think back to the day I made my first phone call on my new phone, it was up there with being pretty dam thrilling, what was I thinking, as some days I find this modern day gadget truly tests my patience. Possibly a topic for another time.
I mentioned previously being a fan of this present day slang.Well I have to confess this was not the case at first as I found myself having to ask what ISO... LMAO and FYI, amongst many others, meant. After the use of some of this new slang  it was not long before I found my fingers walking through the letters with a flow that was almost addicting. This saved some time during the writing of a message and enabled me to send off in a quicker fashion. I'm not sure I will ever understand all the abbreviations but I do appreciate the motives behind their use.
I remember when I was a teenager, (you know that person you sometimes reflect back on from time to time) hearing both my parents say I don't always understand todays world, now I get it!
I may not always understand todays world and todays use of these letter combos, but when I ask questions and see the world through the eyes of others, especially the young then I get it.
There you go another collection of thoughts from the rambling mind of Patty J.
Bye for now. Until we meet again. LOL...

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Winter Season on the mountain!

Front view of  solar hut.

Winter Solstice December 21st. At least that's what they tell us.
Winter back in Alberta pretty much always began in the month of October, usually arriving just before Halloween and often hung on into May. Horrid winters.
Here in the West Kootenays the white stuff takes time with it's arrival. Not to say there isn't some teaser flurries that drop in then disappear. The teasing ended in the first week of the new year which came in like a lion dumping so much snow that we were faced with some pretty interesting realities.
First of all the solar panels needed a good sweeping, now that wasn't bad. Then came the interesting task of clearing the snow from the greenhouse. Now as you all may know snow removal on a flat surface is pretty much within the norm for that tool known as a shovel. Greenhouse snow removal, on the other hand,  involves a totally unique set of circumstances due to the roundness of the structure. So what does Kurt do he makes an almost telescope like device to take care of that job. He's quite the handy man.
Okay so solar panels cleared...check,  greenhouse roof cleared, check, check. Now the time arrived to make a path around the yard towards our long wild ride driveway. Frugal attempts were witnessed of too much snow collecting underneath the Jeep. Time to shut her down, for some wood chopping.
It's a week later and we are doing okay with our food supplies. Wood pile going down but not in the danger zone yet. Dogs are happy enjoying unique combinations of good dry dog food and sweet taters or rice. Cats are still enjoying the usual and daily grub gaining winter weight.
Are we free to head into town to stock up on supplies and do our weekly laundry, nope.
Then came the phone call from a neighbour friend of ours. "Heading into town come join me".  How exciting a trip to town. Time to put on the Kootenay Dancing Boots and start blazing a trail up to meet her.
Kurt leads the way...yikes slow going, kinda like walking in sand but much deeper. Now this walk without snow takes about five minutes, not the case today. About ten minutes later we reached the end of the driveway. Freedom arrives soon in the form of my neighbour, bless her heart.
Now the plan was to communicate with Kurt via cell phone communication, which in most cases is just a matter of sending a text message. News flash cell phone service here in these mountains is almost like carrier pigeon service but slower. Wait a minute there was a time when I did not have a cell phone.  Needless to say my message did not reach home. Good thing I bought a toboggan at Canadian Tire.
Lets load her up and begin this new journey through the snow. Toboggan and I began to forge ahead. After several wipe outs of myself as well as the laundry bag and supplies combined with some tears and solitary conversations with myself , only witnessed by the crows flying above, it finally dawned on me that this trek home would only end with success by taking one backwards step at a time.
Step after step 30 minutes later, mostly downhill found me going around the bend, yeah I was on the home stretch. After several attempts of calling Kurt's name I heard our dogs running down the steps to greet me, which was followed by a very puzzled looking man.
Now that I am writing to you all today I have had some time to reflect upon this winter event. There are so many things I am grateful for. That day was a beautiful sunny warm day...several days later Kurt spent time installing the chains on our Kubota Tractor (Boddie) and the drive way was cleared within 3 hours...I am blessed with my guy being fearless with tractor driving. I am still learning this endeavor. I also see that while in the midst of these winter tests spring is only just around the corner. Times for the original homesteaders were far more filled with hardships. We are pretty darn lucky.

After snow fall.

  PEACE OUT! Patty J.

Monday 12 January 2015

New Beginnings


Fiddlehead Time...Chapter One...

Welcome to new beginnings!!! This is the beginning of my very first journal entry in my blog. Wait a minute did I just say my blog. If I were to take a moment to describe to you all reading this right now I can truthfully say that my heart is racing, racing with anticipation of this new beginning, just like the new fern pictured somewhere on this page, new at posting images here there and everywhere.

As I consider thoughtfully how to introduce myself to all that see this my first entry, I consider that if I think too long and hard as to what to say then my brain really does spit and sputter like an unattended engine. But if I let my fingers do the walking across these keys free to type exactly what's on my mind then this introduction will be a whole lot easier then I thought.

When the time arrived to give this blog a name I first typed in "Dandelion Hut". Yes it's unique but not unique and original enough to pass the google inspectors. Okay now what Pat where to go from here? Then there it was an image from my childhood seen in the forests in Luxembourg, fiddle head ferns, the forest floor was absolutely covered with a flowing green tide of ferns, I was in heaven, and continue to be whenever I remember this image, as well as all my other experiences while in nature.
This wee bit of heaven, nature, has become a love affair that I feel beyond free to talk about during these first Fiddlehead Time moments.

The beginning of this blog has me now thinking about what it is I want to share with you all during these my chosen moments to float back and forth from my every day life into this virtual bloggers world.

Do I start at the beginning where whenever our family ventured out for our Sunday picnics it was not long before I heard my Mom calling me back to our picnic blanket for lunch. I actually was more interested in picking flowers instead of eating.

Or do I briefly tell the story of while living on my Grandparents farm in Alberta Canada that it was known to all where to find me, when missing, having the best make believe fun ever, picking wild flowers and talking to my many lady bug friends that always seemed to find me.

As you can see I have briefly referred to several childhood moments during my introduction, that were unique and special to me. Reason being leads me to why this blog and why now. "New Beginnings".

Monday, January,12th.2015. A brand new year, a new month and a new life. Full of adventures. Adventures that will include a new relationship, new family, moving to a different province and building our Earthship Pavo Nature home. While reading you may have a good laugh, a good cry or find yourself either nodding your head with some similar circumstances or finding yourself in an unfamiliar personal story line that will surface when the moments surface.

 I had fun here today, Hope you enjoyed reading about a part of me!!!