Monday 12 January 2015

New Beginnings


Fiddlehead Time...Chapter One...

Welcome to new beginnings!!! This is the beginning of my very first journal entry in my blog. Wait a minute did I just say my blog. If I were to take a moment to describe to you all reading this right now I can truthfully say that my heart is racing, racing with anticipation of this new beginning, just like the new fern pictured somewhere on this page, new at posting images here there and everywhere.

As I consider thoughtfully how to introduce myself to all that see this my first entry, I consider that if I think too long and hard as to what to say then my brain really does spit and sputter like an unattended engine. But if I let my fingers do the walking across these keys free to type exactly what's on my mind then this introduction will be a whole lot easier then I thought.

When the time arrived to give this blog a name I first typed in "Dandelion Hut". Yes it's unique but not unique and original enough to pass the google inspectors. Okay now what Pat where to go from here? Then there it was an image from my childhood seen in the forests in Luxembourg, fiddle head ferns, the forest floor was absolutely covered with a flowing green tide of ferns, I was in heaven, and continue to be whenever I remember this image, as well as all my other experiences while in nature.
This wee bit of heaven, nature, has become a love affair that I feel beyond free to talk about during these first Fiddlehead Time moments.

The beginning of this blog has me now thinking about what it is I want to share with you all during these my chosen moments to float back and forth from my every day life into this virtual bloggers world.

Do I start at the beginning where whenever our family ventured out for our Sunday picnics it was not long before I heard my Mom calling me back to our picnic blanket for lunch. I actually was more interested in picking flowers instead of eating.

Or do I briefly tell the story of while living on my Grandparents farm in Alberta Canada that it was known to all where to find me, when missing, having the best make believe fun ever, picking wild flowers and talking to my many lady bug friends that always seemed to find me.

As you can see I have briefly referred to several childhood moments during my introduction, that were unique and special to me. Reason being leads me to why this blog and why now. "New Beginnings".

Monday, January,12th.2015. A brand new year, a new month and a new life. Full of adventures. Adventures that will include a new relationship, new family, moving to a different province and building our Earthship Pavo Nature home. While reading you may have a good laugh, a good cry or find yourself either nodding your head with some similar circumstances or finding yourself in an unfamiliar personal story line that will surface when the moments surface.

 I had fun here today, Hope you enjoyed reading about a part of me!!!



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Denny kinda surreal feeling but in a good way.

  2. Welcome to blogdom, Pat! I haven't seen a fiddlehead fern since I was a wee lass, growing up in Vermont, but I do love the images you've shared, both actual and mental. I was also privileged to grow up running somewhat wild in nature and it's a big part of me today. I look forward to hearing more from you!
